29.12 – Puppies are 6 weeks old. Funny chaps!
26.12 – Alvin’s son Kämpfer Fänge Tough Gilberto got junior CAC in Pskov, Russia. Congratulations to owners and Tanja who handled him so well!
17.12 – Carlo’s and Rianna’s puppies are one month old. The “big ones” are enjoying the snow
12.12 – (Kämpfer Fänge Tian And Tamera Mowry) won the debutante class of TAKO unofficial obedience competition out of 16 participants. Congratulations!
27.11 – Sillamäe show: Alvin’s son Kämpfer Fänge Tough Gilberto receives his last required JunCAC to become Estoninan Junior Champion and is Best Male 4, and our Kaata is 2nd in junior class and Best Bitch 4.
17.11 Rianna gave birth to puppies. Rianna is well and has taken to her new obligations with full dedication.

6.-7. 11 – Tartu International show, Kaata is on both days 3rd excellent in junior bitches – nice result for first official and indoor shows. Sarli’s daughter Terra Antyda Sani Yvette is best bitch 3. We also see Alvin’s progeny from kennel Cayring.
3.11 – Our good friend cat Kurri draws his last breath.
Beside : Kaata freestanding
23.10 – Confirmations of Carlo’s Lithuanian Champion and Alvin’s Latvian Champion arrive.
20.09 – Alvin gets his title confirmed and is now Est V Ch Tenfield Tori!
12.09 – Zhiromir, Ukraine, Tramin Grandmaster, Carlo’s (Guldfynd’s Careful Casillas’s) son and the brother of our Kaata, is BOB puppy. Congratulations to the owners!
Tramin Grandmaster Zhitomiris
12.09 – At Tallinn show “our children” do very well: Alvin’s (Tenfield Tori) daughter Cayring Harriet Haldane is BOB puppy, Sarli’s (Trebell Ticket To Ride) daughter Star Light Son Adria gets CAC and is Best Bitch 2; her sister Star Light Son Amore is 4th in open bitches. Well done!
Cayring Harriet Haldlane
11.-12.09 – Trip to Kaunas shows. Carlo (Guldfynd’s Careful Casillas) is BOB and BIS 3 at the hunting dogs show and 3rd Best Male the next day. Alvin’s (Tenfield Tori) children Kämpfer Fänge Tolerant Ariel and Kämpfer Fänge Tough Gilberto both get Junior CACs and Ariel is BOB Junior!
Photo: Reet Tutt

07.-08.08 – Judging a Great Dane colour specialty in Sweden. Pictures from the official CAC show on Sunday
Pictures of the Colour Show Gala. Photos: Lisbeth Högmo
Beside BIS-1 & BIS-2
06.08 – Visiting Oxunda’s Goldens.
23.-25.07 – Golden Retriever Club summer days in Vehendi. There was unofficial summershow, official CAC-show judged by Eivind Mjaerum from Norway, and cool games afterwards. Really a fun even I wish to attend.
18.07 – Alvin’s daughter Kämpfer Fänge Tolerant Ariel gets Junior CAC and is 3rd Best Bitch! Congratulations Christhina!
Kämpfer Fänge Tough Gilberto (Tenfield Tori x Guldfynd’s Doftande Dune)
Photo: H. Einasto
03.07 – National Show at Luige: Alvin’s son Kämpfer Fänge Tough Gilberto is BOS junior and Best Male 2; his sister Kämpfer Fänge Tolerant Ariel is 3rd excellent in junior class. Sarli’s daughter Star Light Son Amore wins the open class and is Best Bitch 2, her sister Star Light Son Adria is fourth excellent in open class.
Star Light Son Amore (Trebell Ticket To Ride x Est Ch Meiepere Creme Gracia
Photo: H. Einasto
19.06 – At Annikoru Show for the VIII Group Sarli’s (Trebell Ticket To Ride) son Meiepere Good As Gold was BOB junior, 4th Best Male and BIS 2 Junior! Congratulations to the owner and breeder!
Photo: Meiepere
Summer time is a good time to go to a resort and Gathella came to the seaside to enjoy also the company of his dad Carlo and uncles. Here are picturesof our moments together.

05.06 – Sad news: Sarli’s son Est J Ch Terra Antyda Sani Unreal Hope (Kalle) dies due to a sudden accident.
22.05 Alvin’s son Kämpfer Fänge Tough Gilberto was BOS junior and got Junior CAC — congratulations to Jaana and Tatjana; Carlo’s daughter Tramin Gathella (right) was BOB baby puppy at the Retriever Show in Harjumaa.
Photo: Merike Kalle
21.05. Sarli’s sister Trebell Take A Chance On Me is BOB at Devon County Show!! Congratulations, Eve and Elaine!
In May Alvin (Tenfield Tori) and (Tramin) Rhyanna are in Russia with my friends attempting to pass a working trial and succeed. The certificates reaches us in August.
Beginning of April — Carlo’s daughter Tramin Gathella for Ringokris arrives from Ukraine. Moments of her first spring.
14.03 – News from Crufts: Alvin’s aunt GB Ch Tenfield Maori Venture is best bitch and bitch CC and BOS! Congratulations Kim and Pepper!
21.02 Alvin gets Latvian CAC at Valmiera show!
13.02 – Our Club Show, judged by Jim Richardson and Malcolm Godefroy (UK). Alvin and Rianna get “excellent” and Tim “very good” result. The dogs were also eye-tested and all are free from inherited eye diseases.