31. 12 Sending the old year away
31.12 On the picture (on the ground: Björbo Gullviva, Ringokris Kernow Tindomerel, her mother Tramin Rhyanna, her father Trebell Ticket To Ride, Rhyanna’s daughter Ringokris Kernow Viviana. With Inga on the table: Tenfield Tori, Reval Dream Esprit & Mareluna Historia de un Sueno)

On the image from left to right: Ringokris Viva Patricia, very promising, 3rd place in baby bitches, Ringokris Viva Paloma, very promising, 1sy baby bitch, best of opposite sex Ringokris Viva Perla, promising, 4th baby bitch. Ringokris Viva Pirro, promising.
We had a lovely Saturday morning at the show. We thank you from all your heart Aigi, Sanna, Kätlin ja M
8.12 – Puppies having fun at home
26.11 – Puppies playing in the yard
20.11 – Our puppies
11.11 – Puppy play
10.11 – Peter (Ringokris Viva Primeiro) at the seaside
3.11 – Puppies first time outside the whelping box
28.10 – Peter and Ben
23.10 – Happy parents Alvin and Mirell
22.10 – Puppies
14.10 – Nine puppies were born out of Tenfield Tori and Ringokris Kernow Tindomerel
01.10 – Puppies in the yard
20.09 – Six-week-old Ringokris Viva P-puppies
18.09 – 40-day-old Ringokris Viva P-puppies
15.09 – Cat Brutus playing with our puppies
28.08 – Puppies
16. & 17.07 – Results from three shows in Ogre: Tramin Rhyanna – 2 x BOS veteran, Tenfield Tori – veteran CAC, Reval Dream Esprit & Ringokris Anorien Rumil both Lv CACs, ad the best brace at Retriever specialty – Tenfield Tori & Ringokris Kernow Tindomerel
10.07 – By the seaside with dogs
02.07 – Sad day as we say good bye to our oldest Golden, the very grand old man Carlo
23.06 – Midsummer night with dogs and visitors from Ulgumaa
20.06 – Ringokris Kernow Tinuviel gets her second CAC!
06.06 – mother Rianna and daughter Ringa (Ringokris Kernow Viviana) mother with two daughetrs – Rianna, Mirell & Ringa
04.06 – At Golden retriever specialty Rianna becomes Estonian veteran Champion!
29.05 – Moletai show, Lithuania – Tramin Rhyanna best veteran!
25.05 – Priidik is training for advanced gundog test and the meeting of the S-litter
14.05 – St Türi show for hunting dogs our bred Ringokris Kernow Tinuviel (Murmel) was best female and then BOB! Congratulations to owner Terje Mei! Both are also doing gundog training, so the prize was very appropriate!
07.05 – Our progeny Raumo was best male 2!
24.04 – Ben’s second birthday with a cake (image beside) that was, of course, shared with best friends
08.04 – Small meeting by the sea, Ringokris Kernow Tindomerel, Thorondor & Thingol + Mareluna Hostoria de un Sueno, omadele Mirell, Ruudi, Fredi ja Ben

VSP/ BOS Vanilla Ice Del Valle De Pielagos, kohtunik/ judge Jochen Eberhardt ja TP/ BOB Dunehills Miss Gigi At Terra Antyda
23.03 – Celebrating Carlo’s 12th birthday
06.03 – Our Fidel (Vanilla Ice del Valle de Pielagos) becomes Estonian Champion and is BOS at Tallinn Show
14.02 – Our Rianna and Priidik are certified therapy dogs!
29.01 – Alvin’s (Tenfield Tori) title of International Champion (CIB) is confirmed
24.01 – Ringokris progeny meeting at the T-litter birthday in Tallinn PetCity
9. & 10. 01 – Visiting our friends Aulis and Pille with dogs in their home in South-East Estonia. Wonderful as always. Sledging with dogs.
1. 01 – The year’s first walk with dogs in Vääna-Jõesuu, Rianna and Mirell were in the city